FREE Shipping Every Day on $79+

Product Returns

You can return any* item, in its original condition, within 30 days for a refund or an exchange.** If your item was damaged in transit, please call us immediately at 800-433-6557 to request a replacement. We will arrange to have the damaged merchandise picked up at your residence at no additional cost to you.

*Exceptions to this policy are Mystery Bags, which cannot be returned or exchanged.

**If you are returning an order containing a free gift, that item will be expected in the return package as well. If it isn’t, the value of the free gift will be taken off the refund.

  • Complete the form below.
  • Pack up the doll(s). Please include a simple note with your name and order number.
  • Ship the package back to us at: Annalee Dolls ATTN: Returns Dept. 339 Daniel Webster Hwy. Meredith, NH 03253
  • We recommend insuring your package.
  • Upon receipt, your refund or new item will be processed in just a few days.

If you have any questions about our return policy, please contact Annalee customer service at 800-433-6557 (Mon-Fri, 8:30am – 4:30pm E.T.) or email
