b'Totally adorable!!!! I wasnt ready I loved them from the top of their heads tofor how big they were! I think I might their little feet. Each one dressed in a differenthave overlooked the description summer outfits. I put them with last yearsand was just excited to get them! Wannabes and it was a perfect match. TheThe lighthouse one has AMAZING looks on each of faces were just perfect. I lookconstruction on it, the hat alone is forward to more of the summer wannabes. Theymade with skill! The octopus is so add so much fun to my display.stinking cute! Even its tail matches Esther C. of Phelan, CA the outfit! The crab is what I originally wanted, but I decided to get the trio! Its everything I wanted! Raquel C of Tracy, CA6in Wannabe a Crab 6in Wannabe an Octopus261622 $29 261822 $29www.annalee.com|phone: 800-258-464719'